Pakenham Cricket Club

Check out our new website!!

We cater for all sorts of players of all abilities at the Pakenham Cricket Club, both in the junior and senior ranks. We have teams lodged in the Under11's, 13's, 15's and 17's. We are looking for more players in all teams.

We also have a strong MILO Cricket program, which we are looking for a coach/manager for for this season. Send us a message if you or anyone else you know is interested!

Click below to register!

Fees for this year have stayed the same as last year. We believe in cheap fees for our players, especially junior cricketers. The fees are as follows:

Senior Players: $160 when paid before 30/Nov, $20 fine after that date. Students: $90 before 30/Nov, $100 after that date.
Junior Fees: $40 per player -discounts for families with more than one player.

Should you like to contact the Club, please email the Secretary at

Amateur sports team